Qbix Platform 1.0 has launched.

Releasing version 1.0 of the Qbix Platform has been a major milestone that took us over 7 years to accomplish. Over those years, we built, refined and integrated our experience building social apps into a re-usable platform that lets any community to essentially deploy its own Facebook. This is an idea whose time has come: an open source alternative to centralized platforms, which lets us control our own data, identity and brand.

Now any organization or community can launch their own social network without relying on Facebook, Twitter, etc. App developers can build apps for communities to install, and plugins for each other’s apps, as easily as they build WordPress plugins. People can meet each other over common interests, plan activities, make payments, get notifications, make group reservations at events and venues, or even drive each other to them. This video explains everything:

Strong Security

Qbix Platform promises to decentralize social networking, and with it, empower people and unite communities. If you’re thinking of building an app or website that manages your users’ data, it is probably more secure than whatever solution you had in mind. It protects against a wide range of common attacks, from SQL injection to session fixation to CSRF. It has just passed a code audit by a third party security firm with flying colors. You can read about our latest security practices here.

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