What is this all about?

Hi there.

This isn’t your average company. We started Qbix to change the world in a positive way. We want to improve people’s lives through building better tools for them to use. And with better tools come new opportunities — and new markets. For the past few years, we have been working on a new type of technology, that represents a leap in social communication, and helps people be more productive. In January, we got seed funding and opened the company. Since then, we’ve already made some ambitious progress. Today, we launched this blog, to share our story with you.

Are you an entrepreneur? Interested in business? Passionate about innovation? If you’re reading this blog, you might want to subscribe. We will be writing about what has been working for us, what we’ve done, and how we think about things. Look forward to posts about social networks, psychology and collective behavior, business models, scaling, development and architecture. There is a science to some of this, as we have discovered.

Are you an investor? Subscribe to this blog to find out about our progress. We’ve got a talented team that’s passionate about making a difference. If you like what you see, know that this is just the beginning.


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