People love our apps.

The other day I got a notification that someone wrote on Calendar For Mac’s facebook wall. When I arrived there, I noticed something on the left that I hadn’t paid much attention to before:

Calendar For Mac facebook Wall

Check out the likes

We had 1,236 likes! Now, we had never asked people to like us on facebook. People come to this page when they click “Support” in our app. Apparently, out of the roughly 200,000 people who downloaded our app, 1,236 decided to “like” it on facebook. That made us feel good.

By the way, Calendar now has anywhere between 27,000 and 35,000 users on any given day. Its average rating on the app store is 4/5.

This seems to be an even better time for our iPhone app, Groups. Since iOS 5 came out, Groups has surpassed Calendar in the number of downloads. The number of people using it has grown to around 7,000 a day. And we love reading the reviews from people. I decided to take screenshots from the last two weeks and share them with you all. You know these are real because the second review wasn’t so flattering :)

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